チャンネル 動画 (3) 記事 動画投稿が新しい順 再生が多い順 コメントが新しい順 コメントが多い順 マイリスト登録が多い順 再生時間が長い順 動画投稿が古い順 再生が少ない順 コメントが古い順 コメントが少ない順 マイリスト登録が少ない順 再生時間が短い順 キーワード タグ 無料 15:22 The Zoobombs Ice Cream & Dirt Canada Tour 2017 The Zoobombs was formed in Tokyo in 1994. They self-released four cassette albums and became one of the most exciting bands in the Tokyo underground indie scene. They signed with Quattro/Ricetone Label and released three albums including their master piece "Let It Bomb". The Zoosbombs were featured in the top page of New York Time introduced as "Japanese Next Wave." Their success continued and in 1999, the band signed with Virgin/EMI Japan and released three albums.The Zoobombs were awarded the second best performance of the Canadian Music Week Festival, and The Toronto Sun's Best Club Shows of 2005. For the celebration of 15 years as a band, they created their own label, Donuts Worm and shifted their focus to North America.In 2015 reformed band includes the original drummer Bukka Billy and a new bass player Mutch, they released new album "Ice Cream & Dirt" in 2016 and played at Canadian Music Week Festival in 2017.http://thezoobombs.com/ 298 0 7 2017/06/27(火) 21:14 無料 0:46 2015/10/9@下北沢BASEMENTBAR [Voodoo Donuts vol.9] Part2 ズボンズの自主企画 [Voodoo Donuts vol.9]が、2015/10/9@下北沢BASEMENTBARで行われます。出演は、ズボンズ / ソコラノグループ / 蛸地蔵 / ゴールデンローファーズです。詳細は、こちら↓http://thezoobombs.com/ 232 0 0 2015/09/29(火) 22:15 無料 0:39 2015/10/9@下北沢BASEMENTBAR [Voodoo Donuts vol.9] Part1 ズボンズの自主企画 [Voodoo Donuts vol.9]が、2015/10/9@下北沢BASEMENTBARで行われます。出演は、ズボンズ / ソコラノグループ / 蛸地蔵 / ゴールデンローファーズです。詳細は、こちら↓http://thezoobombs.com/ 227 1 0 2015/09/28(月) 18:50 3件 < 1 次へ >