無料 19:34
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2016/03/16(水) 18:21
無料 7:34
★高画質★エンタメニュースを毎日掲載!「MAiDiGiTV」登録はこちら↓http://maidigitv.jp/TSUTAYAチャンネルはこちら!http://ch.nicovideo.jp/tsutaya-view 歌手の華原朋美さんが6月15日、東京都内で行われたUSENとレコチョク共同記者発表会に登場。 この日は、有線放送「USEN」が音楽配信大手「レコチョク」とタッグを組み、低価格で高音質なBGMを提供する新しい店舗用BGMサービス「OTORAKU-音・楽-」(7月1日からサービス開始)の発表。大手レコード会社が参加し、Jポップ、洋楽、ジャズ、クラシック、Kポップのほか、ヒーリング、ワールドミュージック、イージーリスニングまで、多ジャンルの楽曲を提供。さまざまな店舗形態に合わせ、カフェ、和風、USENオリジナルBGMもあり、300以上のプレイリストを作成できる。
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2015/06/16(火) 14:49
無料 1:23
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Hiragana ぱ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/30(土) 13:16
無料 0:39
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Hiragana ば!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/30(土) 12:10
無料 0:47
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Hiragana だ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/30(土) 12:07
無料 0:44
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Hiragana ざ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/30(土) 12:07
無料 0:42
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Hiragana が!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/30(土) 12:06
無料 1:02
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Hiragana わ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/19(火) 12:59
無料 1:16
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Hiragana ら!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/19(火) 12:58
無料 1:16
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Hiragana や!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/19(火) 12:58
無料 1:19
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Hiragana ま!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/19(火) 12:58
無料 0:55
Online Japanese✎ Japanese Greeting こんにちは! 【Nihongo】
Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。入門編の対象は、初心者向けとなっております。日本語が読めなくても英語字幕がついておりますので安心して勉強できます。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中本教材に関する問い合わせアテイン株式会社 メール:info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 16:49
無料 5:45
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Japanese long vowels! 【Nihongo】
Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。入門編の対象は、初心者向けとなっております。日本語が読めなくても英語字幕がついておりますので安心して勉強できます。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中本教材に関する問い合わせアテイン株式会社 メール:info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 16:49
無料 1:21
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Katakana ワ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 15:36
無料 1:13
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Katakana ラ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 15:36
無料 1:16
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Katakana ヤ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 15:36
無料 1:13
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Katakana マ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 15:36
無料 1:15
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Katakana パ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 15:36
無料 0:48
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Katakana バ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 15:36
無料 1:23
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Katakana ハ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 15:36
無料 1:09
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Katakana ナ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 15:36
無料 0:47
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Katakana ダ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 15:35
無料 1:44
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Katakana タ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 15:35
無料 0:48
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Katakana ザ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 15:35
無料 1:21
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Katakana サ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 15:35
無料 0:51
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Katakana ガ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 15:35
無料 1:19
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Katakana カ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 15:35
無料 1:21
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Katakana ア!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 15:35
無料 1:50
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Hiragana は!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 14:06
無料 1:30
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Hiragana な!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 14:04
無料 1:35
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Hiragana た!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 14:04
無料 1:09
Online Japanese✎ How to pronounce and write Hiragana さ!【Nihongo】
Elementary Japanese/Learning Materials for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)Online Japanese is an e-learning teaching material which teaches you basic Japanese language.You can learn Japanese pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,and listening and reading practice for JLPT in our videos.Japanese language consists of Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.Hiragana and Katakana are used for representing sounds.You may think they are difficult, but don't worry, after this lesson, you will master all the Hiragana and Katakana.In this beginner course, let's study how to pronounce and write Hiragana and Katakana!Lesson 1: あ row and かrow Lesson 2: さ row and たrow Lesson 3: な row and は row Lesson 4: ま row, や row, ら row, and わ, を, ん Lesson 5: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese hiragana]Lesson 6: ア row and カ rowLesson 7: サ row and タ rowLesson 8: ナ row and ハ row Lesson 9: マ row, ヤ row, ラ row, and ワ, ヲ, ンLesson 10: Voiced sound and P-sound [Japanese katakana]Lesson 11: Long vowels, Nasal consonant, Double consonants, Contracted sounds, and AccentsLesson 12: Greeting Conversations and Expressions外国人のための日本語/日本語能力試験教材「オンライン日本語」は基礎日本語を勉強するeラーニング教材です。日本語の発音、語彙、文法、また日本語能力試験の聴解、読解を映像でわかりやすく解説いたします。日本語教育実力養成コースも販売中アテイン株式会社 info@attainj.co.jp〒101-0041東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax.03-3255-5998http://www.attainj.co.jp
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2015/05/15(金) 14:03