
  • ぐっどなぃとめあ ぴゅ〜〜っと清楚なナイトゴーストなぃとめあです♡ ニコニコではYouTubeでは見せられない配信をしていくよ♪ いっしょにあま~い濃密な時間を過ごそうね! カメラ配信以外のアーカイブはCi-enにあるよ~。 On this channel, you will be able to watch and listen to ASMR including ear licking and various scenarios with camera footage and also some live action streams. The subscription fee is 500 ten per month. You can use PayPal to purchase so you can watch and listen in from any country around the world. Let’s spend some sweet quality time together that I cannot share on YouTube ♡ 此頻道內容為ASMR,以舔耳情境為首與各種其他情境、以及使用攝影機進行直播。 會員費為每月500日元,支付方式使用PayPal, 會員內容沒有地區上的限制,只需加入會員即可以觀看。 讓我們一起度過一段無法在YouTube上度過的甜蜜且濃密的時光♡ 이 채널은 ASMR을 비롯한 귀 핥기나 시츄에이션, 카메라를 사용한 실사 방송 등을 하고 있습니다. 회원비는 월 500 엔으로, 결제 수단은 PayPal 이 가능하오니, 해외에 거주하시는 분들도 관람 가능합니다. YouTube 에서는 볼 수 없는 달콤하고 농밀한 시간을 함께 보내요♡
  • BUICHIチャンネル 漫画家 寺沢武一の作品のオフィシャルチャ ンネルです! 寺沢武一は77年少年ジャンプにてデビュー作 「コブラ」を発表、78年連載開始。80年代は じめからPCでの創作に着目し、85年8色のカ ラーマンガを「BAT」の巻頭で発表。そして PCの進化に合わせて、92年「タケル」で世界 初フルCGマンガを発表。「デジタルマンガ」 という名称を生み出しました。 Official channel for Mangaka Buichi Terasawa works. In 1977, he began drawing for the Japanese weekly manga book publication for boys called, "Jump". The serialized form of "COBRA" appeared the magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump during 1978–1984. From around the beginning of the 1980s, he began to see the personal computer as a tool for the creative purposes. In 1985, he kicked off an eight-color comic book series called "BAT". In the ensuing years, in parallel with advances in the personal computer, he created "TAKERU" (1992), the world's first computer graphics comic book series. 株式会社エイガアルライツ がお届けします(2012年10月開設) Presented by A-GIRL RIGHTS. CO. LTD. (c)BUICHI TERASAWA/A-GIRL RIGHTS