チャンネル 動画 (5) 記事 動画投稿が新しい順 再生が多い順 コメントが新しい順 コメントが多い順 マイリスト登録が多い順 再生時間が長い順 動画投稿が古い順 再生が少ない順 コメントが古い順 コメントが少ない順 マイリスト登録が少ない順 再生時間が短い順 キーワード タグ 無料 4:53 [Letters from Hibakusha] Senpai | Testimonies HIROSHIMA・NAGASAK | NHK ~To a world that does not know of war~https://www.nhk.or.jp/archives/shogenarchives/no-more-hibakusha/en.html?cid=dchk-nc-1908-26-stA letter written to a senior who suffered from the Atomic Bomb with her new born baby. After surviving, the senior had to face many difficulties. What kind of miracle saved their lives?~Letters from Hibakusha~On August the 6th, 1945, an Atomic Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. NHK Hiroshima Broadcasting Corporation sent out an appeal for accounts from Atomic Bomb survivors. 2,200 letters arrived. It is now 76 years since the bomb was dropped and the survivors are growing older and older. In order to communicate their stories to the younger generations, these letters have been used to make animations.Testimonies HIROSHIMA・NAGASAKIhttps://www.nhk.or.jp/archives/shogenarchives/no-more-hibakusha/en.html?cid=dchk-nc-1908-26-hpa 688 0 0 2018/11/29(木) 17:15 無料 5:39 中尾明慶「公開処刑?」夏菜&司会からイジられる…映画「鏡の中の笑顔たち」完成披露試写会2 #Akiyoshi Nakao #Smiles in the Mirror ★高画質★エンタメニュースを毎日掲載!「MAiDiGiTV」登録はこちら↓http://maidigitv.jp/TSUTAYAチャンネルはこちら!http://ch.nicovideo.jp/tsutaya-view 俳優の白石隼也さんが主演映画「鏡の中の笑顔たち」(喜多一郎監督)の完成披露試写会に登場。昨年12月に北海道でクランクインした撮影を振り返り、「岬のシーンは雪が1メートルくらい積もっていて、風がすごく強くて。体感温度がマイナス40度といわれました。非常に寒かったです」と苦労を語った。 この日は、白石さんと夏菜さんのほか、中尾明慶さんと喜多監督も出席。喫茶店のマスターを演じた中尾さんは、口々に極寒エピソードを語る白石さんと夏菜さんに対して、「ずっと屋内にいたので、体感温度は20度くらい。すごく心地いい温度。北海道では、喫茶店とロケバスとホテルだけだったので、手がガタガタいっているのはよく分からない」と話して、2人を苦笑させた。 「鏡の中の笑顔たち」は、白石さん演じるカリスマ美容師・井上遼の挫折と成長を描いた物語。東京都内の人気サロンで働く遼は、突然、店を解雇され、故郷へと戻る。地元の美容院で働くことになり、病院での訪問美容に携わったことで、技術だけを追求する美容師から、心豊かな美容師へと変わっていく……というストーリー。映画は30日公開。####Akiyoshi Nakao: "Public execution?" Teased by Natsuna and MC… Completion ceremony of movie "Smiles in the Mirror" 2Actor Shunya Shiraishi appeared at the completion ceremony of the movie "Smiles in the Mirror" (directed by Ichiro Kita) in which he plays the main character. He recalled the filming start in Hokkaido in December last year and talked about difficulties: "The scene on the cape was filmed when the ice was about 1m-thick. The wind was extremely strong. And the actual temperature was said to be minus 40 degrees. It was really cold." 102 0 0 2015/05/12(火) 11:35 無料 8:52 History of Tokyo Metropolitan Government Environmental Policy 3/3 The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has adopted a number of leading environmental policies, including regulations on diesel vehicle emissions and the world's first Cap and Trade program, that have not yet been introduced on a natiional level. With municipal policies that have led the way for Japan's administrative actions on the environment, the TMG has clearly played a pioneering role. This video offers an overview of the history of TMG environmental policies and the difficulties that have been overcome throughout the years. 43 0 0 2013/04/11(木) 18:45 無料 8:08 History of Tokyo Metropolitan Government Environmental Policy 2/3 The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has adopted a number of leading environmental policies, including regulations on diesel vehicle emissions and the world's first Cap and Trade program, that have not yet been introduced on a natiional level. With municipal policies that have led the way for Japan's administrative actions on the environment, the TMG has clearly played a pioneering role. This video offers an overview of the history of TMG environmental policies and the difficulties that have been overcome throughout the years. 39 0 0 2013/04/11(木) 18:44 無料 4:55 History of Tokyo Metropolitan Government Environmental Policy 1/3 The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has adopted a number of leading environmental policies, including regulations on diesel vehicle emissions and the world's first Cap and Trade program, that have not yet been introduced on a natiional level. With municipal policies that have led the way for Japan's administrative actions on the environment, the TMG has clearly played a pioneering role. This video offers an overview of the history of TMG environmental policies and the difficulties that have been overcome throughout the years. 49 0 0 2013/04/11(木) 18:42 5件 < 1 次へ >