
  • 碧波めいCh スキューバダイビングが趣味の ダイバーライバー 碧波(あおなみ)めいです⋆゜ デグー耳のVtuberʢ•·̫•ʡ 気軽に是非遊びに来て下さい (*´ `*) I'm Mei Aonami! Scuba diving is my hobby love so swim with shark I'm a new Vtuber with degu ears! made my Live2D debut on March 1, 2021. I'm broadcasting on YouTube and Mikucha at the same time. I'm announcing my live streams on Twitter. Please follow me!
  • SUPER FANTASY おとぎ話の世界に飛び込んでハッピーエンドを迎えにいく、全く新しいエンターテインメントプロジェクト。 2017年2月2日にデビューし、毎週日曜日に赤坂の専用劇場にて定期ライブを行う。 THE HEROES、THE VILLAINS、そしてSUPER FANTASY。 異なる3つの音楽に導かれ、あなたも今おとぎ話の世界へ。 【デビューミニアルバム「SNOW WHITE」】iTunes Storeなど各メディアにて好評デジタル配信中! ――― This is a completely NEW entertainment project,which you can jump into the world of fairy tale and go to pick up the happy ending. They made debut on February 2,2017 and regularly perform live at their dedicated theatre in Akasaka every Sunday. THE HEROES,THE VILLAINS,and SUPER FANTASY. Now,you are led by three different music and going into the world of fairy tale. ――― http://www.super-fantasy.com
  • こども刑事めめたん 赤ん坊にしか見えない新人刑事・めめたんが鳥取と奇跡のコラボ!脱力系の日常コメディ。 鳥取県内の観光&名産など、鳥取県とのコラボがふんだんに盛り込まれているのが、作品の見どころのひとつになっています。番組後半には鳥取県ローカルの“ふたりでひとつ”なアイドルユニット「Chelip(チェリップ)」が出演する「めめたん&Chelipのとっとり探訪!」というミニコーナーが見られます。さて、今回はどこを探訪するのか!? 純鳥取県産アニメ! Made by とっとり100%(※) ※鳥取県制作×鳥取県出身の漫画家×アニメを鳥取県内企業で制作×出演者×ロケ地など!
  • Sailor Moon Crystal(English) Just like the instant when a music box is opened, the gears of destiny are now set in motion for our heroine, Usagi Tsukino. This tale, guided by the light of the moon, is dramatic...heartrending...and beautiful. "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon" began its serialization in 1992 in Kodansha's monthly magazine "Nakayoshi." The original manga has been translated into seventeen languages, and the animated series has made its way to over forty countries, creating a social phenomenon. It's precisely because twenty years have passed since the creation of Sailor Moon that the time has come to use modern video expression, and that enthusiastic motivation that's been heating up for two decades, to go back to the source and depict the original's full charm. That's what the animated series "Sailor Moon Crystal" will set out to accomplish. Everyone who seizes the day will now have the chance to see how Usagi Tsukino bravely and resolutely lives her life, both as a Pretty Guardian, and as a girl.
  • コスプレイチャンネル 『sweet joshi』『bon bon lolita』とヒットを飛ばした写真作家「須崎祐次」の写真集 『Cosplay made in Japan』の世界をニコニコ動画で再現!