

An entire universe. Once and for all. @Avengers#InfinityWar in theaters April 27th. pic.twitter.com/RPl0cmiIbR - Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) 2018年3月26日


An entire universe. Once and for all. @Avengers#InfinityWar in theaters April 27th. pic.twitter.com/rHXDOcAT0n

- Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) 2018年3月26日

An entire universe. Once and for all. @Avengers#InfinityWar in theaters April 27th. pic.twitter.com/Uuc4EjrWVM

- Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) 2018年3月26日

An entire universe. Once and for all. @Avengers#InfinityWar in theaters April 27th. pic.twitter.com/nABxRTHysw

- Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) 2018年3月26日

An entire universe. Once and for all. @Avengers#InfinityWar in theaters April 27th. pic.twitter.com/PC7B0P27IM

- Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) 2018年3月26日


ok but i realized that each poster is a color of each infinity stone except the soul stone pic.twitter.com/GeOOWwLsw4

- ً (@scorchtom) 2018年3月26日


lmao imagine if hawkeye actually had the soul stone

- bri (@spideykiwi) 2018年3月26日

They didn't do an orange poster for the Soul Stone.

They're saving Hawkeye for that one!

- Jeremy Conrad (@ManaByte) 2018年3月26日


Her: I bet he's thinking about another woman

Me: Where could the soul stone possibly be if it's not in wakanda??? pic.twitter.com/QCr1kHym0A

- Duwane Online Now (@Blitzz_Krieg) 2018年3月26日
「彼女『彼、ぜったい他の女のこと考えてる』 僕『ソウル・ストーンがワカンダにないなら、一体どこにあるんだろう?』」

The soul stone is actually Stan Lee and always has been as he helped to create many of the characters in Infinity War and is also why he's always around when something happens

- Noah (@DarttNoah) 2018年3月26日

My theory on how the location of the soul stone is up Tony Stark's ass.

A thread ✨

- Monica