"Hana No Android Gakuen" is comic where the anime characters are the personification for cool Android devices. The comic has received great feedback for its character illustration and its Japanese cultural flavor, and writers from many countries (Such as GIZMODO in U.S) etc. It has sexual charms, humor, battles, a cute mascot and more!
The commentator and editorial supervisor is the mobile phone journalist, Junya Ishino who provides many interesting technical stories and funny details about the smart phone industry that will make enthusiasts laugh, and also gives you the purely-pleasurable enjoyment that only manga can.
Sexual charms!!
Battle screams!!
Hot Mascot!!(Firefox fokkun)
About the school "Android Gauen"
"Android Gakuen" is Japanese highschool of personified Android smart phone devices. The principals name is "Guru Guru" (Google), and students are famous Android devices.
In BUKATSU (after school extracurricular activities), they represent teams named after the Japanese mobile carriers NTT DOCOMO, KDDI au, and SoftBank, where they are training for transmission speed and TSUNAGARIYASUSA (mobile network connection quality). They make "clothes" (Device Design) unique to each device for an annual fashion show -- including of course, swim wear for the waterproof devices. Each of students have good friends and sometime competitors, coaches and assistants.
SmartPhone is user's secretary. Hold fashion shows. The coaches are rivals. Competition for the best network quality.The students
Android Gakuen has 15 girl students and there are other school students in the story. Each character has a manufacturers name and features. It's fun to look for the manufactures special characteristics in each character.
In addition to the Android OS girls, iOS, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone are expressed as boys. Adam (Apple) lives next door to Android Gakuen and climbs up an apple tree to sneak a peek at the hot girls at Android Gakuen every day.
For the details of each character in"Hana No Android Gakuen" Please check it here!(Only Japanese)
And the work published on the web, Please check it here(Only Japanese)
"Hanano Android Gakuen" Vol.1 is available on the E-Book store, Kindle, iBook and Amazon. It has original manga and illustrations from Weekly ASCII Magazine and an extra issue . Hope all of you enjoy it!
- 『花のアンドロイド学園』vol.37 NFCディスクで大騒動(4ページ全掲載)
- 『花のアンドロイド学園』vol.36 ウナちゃん5変化&ミクコスのソニアちゃん
- 『花のアンドロイド学園』vol.34 夏だ!プールだ!JKの水着姿だ!
- 『花のアンドロイド学園』アイコン画像プレゼント:Kindle版発売記念
- 『花のアンドロイド学園 Apple Side』が連載開始!vol.1が読めます|Mac
- フラットなアダムくん登場『花のアンドロイド学園 Apple Side』vol.2|Mac
- 唯我独尊アダムくんが炸裂『花のアンドロイド学園 Apple Side』vol.3|Mac
- フルカラー単行本『花のアンドロイド学園』が6月27日発売決定