
韓国出身のデザイナー、パク・ジン・スンさんがつくったこちらのペン「Color Picker」。デザイナー向けに開発されたのですが、何ができるかというと…

上の画像のようにものに当てると、そのものの色のペンになるというもの! Photoshopのスポイトツールみたいですね。

A Korean designer called Jin Sun Park has made a pen, which can scan any color around you to your own use. It’s specially designed for designers.


Pen is called “Color Picker”. It works with ink sticks which are in R,G,B ink cartridge.
R,G,B scanner color sensor will scan the color to your pen and after that it’s ready to use!


Anyhow, the Color Picker sure is the future to all drawers and designers all around the world!

Color Picker by Jin Sun Park

Translated by Nagaomi Kawaharada
