
現在アメリカで、人気アパレルブランドJ Crewや大手ヘルスフードストアWhole Foodsのモデルを務めて注目を集める65歳のモデル、Pia Gronning(ピア・グロニング)さん。前回のインタビューに続き、今回はPiaさんの美容法や日本の女性について思うことを教えていただきました。



What does beauty mean to you?


Beauty also has to come from inside,it shows in your eyes.It is not enough to have perfect skin,long legs,beautiful thick hair etc.Today there are many more types of girls and boys working in the the industry and a lot of them are not your "normal" classic beauty.......but I love that.Today the young people are not afraid to show their individuality and be who they want to be and that is so much more healthy.



You are such a natural beauty. What are your beauty routines? Do you follow any particular diet?

ありがとう。私の美容法はとてもシンプルなのよ。水をたくさん飲んで、できるだけ運動すること、そうしなくてはいけないからではなく、それが好きだか ら。仕事以外の時はメイクをしないけど、毎晩顔を洗って、保湿をたっぷりするわ。髪は染めていないし、染めたこともないの。良質なシャンプーを使って健康な髪を キープしているわ。私が多くの仕事に恵まれているのは、この年齢で長い髪をした数少ないモデルだから。多くの女性たちは、一定の年齢に達したら、髪を長く していてはいけないって思うみたいね......私からしたらナンセンスだわ。96歳で亡くなった私の祖母は、亡くなるその日まで長い髪を三つ編みにしていたわ。 だから全然ありでしょ。特別な食事法はしていないの。どんな食べ物も好きよ。きっととてもラッキーで、良い遺伝なのでしょうね。父は97歳まで生きたのよ。

Thank you Satomi.My beauty routines are pretty simple actually....I drink a ton of water,I exercise as much as I can,not because I have to but because I like it.I do not wear make up when I am not working,but i still clean my face every night and use lots of Moisturizer.I do not color my hair,never have.......but I do use a good shampoo to keep it healthy.I get a lot of jobs because I am one of the few older girls still with long hair.It seems that a lot of women think when they reach a certain age,they are not allowed to wear their hair long anymore......that to me is nonsense.My grandmother ,who died at 96,has a long,long braid until the days she died......so why not?

I do not follow a special diet........I love food,any kind of food.......I probably also am very lucky and have very good genes.My dad just passed away last year at 97.



If you are familiar with Japanese women, how do you think of them? (fashion, hair style, life style etc.)



I think Japanese women are beautiful.Their hair is amazing,their skin seems to be transparent and to me it looks like they never get wrinkles like caucasian women.The young one,at least the ones you see walking in the streets of Manhattan........all have their own style.Some of it is way out there,but I like that.....they show their individuality and are not afraid for stand out.......what I do not like is when I read stories about they have plastic surgery to have their eyes be more like mine,they color their hair to hide the beautiful natural dark color.That is scary to me.......and very,very sad.!!! But hopefully the majority of young ones have a much better attitude these days about themselves.There are gorgeous Japanese girls in the modeling world.......today it is much more about being an individual.THANK GOD OR THAT !!!



Is there anything you would like to try?



I intend to keep working as long as the adv. world wants me.I like to work,I am not one for sitting still.......I like to experience new things,see new countries,meet new people.

I have a passion for helping shelter animals......and my dream is one to to open my own shelter or at least be in a place where I can foster a lot of dogs and cats and help get them adopted out to good homes.


Pia Gronning(ピア・グロニング)

NYのIconicfocus所属。50代でモデルとしての活動を再開し、J CrewやWhole Foodsの広告などアメリカで現在人気のシニアモデル。

