

Beetroot is a popular vegetable in North Europe, where it is used mostly in canned food. It’s used mostly from Autumn to Christmas, because of its red colour. Beetroot is also used in beefs, casseroles and soups.


In Finland they have made some new recipes to Beetroot, and telling all new ways of using it.
Here’s some of the newest recipes.


Putting beetroot in goat cheese salad, gives some nice coloring to food, but in the same time it gives fresh Autumn taste, like mushrooms, nuts and plums do too.


Because Japanese food is now in Finland, they recommend you to put some wasabi cream to beetroot mash soup, so you can have some spiciness and energy to dark autumn evenings.


Beetroot goes also well in sweet foods! Just like carrot goes to cakes, beetroot will go nicely in American brownies. Just put some teared beetroot in brownie dough and your brownies will get more juicy and have a nice and fresh side taste in them. In this way your brownies will be healthier too!


Even though beetroot is not a popular vegetable in Japan, the nearest place it is used might be Singapore, Malaysia, where they are using beetroot in health juices.

Punajuuren maku piristaa!

Translated by Nagaomi Kawaharada
